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Documents MANIGART Yannick 1 résultats

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- 2 p.
Today, we mark International Safe Abortion Day by highlighting that women and girls in Europe face unnecessary obstacles to access abortion care and in some countries are even forced to continue pregnancies against their will. The joint EPF-IPPF EN “European Abortion Policies Atlas” scores 53 European countries and territories on legal frameworks to access safe abortion care and clearly shows that Europe is not as progressive as it might seem.
Map et table :Legal status of abortion care, access, clinical care and service delivery, information and on-line information.[-]
Today, we mark International Safe Abortion Day by highlighting that women and girls in Europe face unnecessary obstacles to access abortion care and in some countries are even forced to continue pregnancies against their will. The joint EPF-IPPF EN “European Abortion Policies Atlas” scores 53 European countries and territories on legal frameworks to access safe abortion care and clearly shows that Europe is not as progressive as it might seem. ...[+]

