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Documents PURI Mahesh 1 résultats

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- n° 63 - p. 67- 73
Cote : P w
Despite the legalization of abortion in 2002 has made extensive efforts to expand services throughout the country, access to safe abortion care remains a constraint in Nepal, particularly in remote areas where trained providers and equipment are scarce. Expanding access to medical abortion (MA) through pharmacy workers could be a promising avenue to reach such women with safe and convenient care, but neither Nepali law nor the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends pharmacy provision of MA citing the reason of insufficient evidence. This paper examines the pharmacy provision of MA in expanding women's access to safe MA service in Nepal.[-]
Despite the legalization of abortion in 2002 has made extensive efforts to expand services throughout the country, access to safe abortion care remains a constraint in Nepal, particularly in remote areas where trained providers and equipment are scarce. Expanding access to medical abortion (MA) through pharmacy workers could be a promising avenue to reach such women with safe and convenient care, but neither Nepali law nor the World Health ...[+]

