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Documents KAPP Nathalie 1 résultats

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- n° 63 - 8 p.
Cote : P w
Abortion care is a fundamental part of women's reproductive health care. Surgical and medical abortion methods are safe and effective throughout the gestational age range wherein abortions are performed. Although risks increase with the gestational age of the pregnancy being terminated, rates of complications remain low and comparable between surgical and medical techniques. A high-quality abortion service should offer women a choice be- tween abortion methods and provide the one they prefer.[-]
Abortion care is a fundamental part of women's reproductive health care. Surgical and medical abortion methods are safe and effective throughout the gestational age range wherein abortions are performed. Although risks increase with the gestational age of the pregnancy being terminated, rates of complications remain low and comparable between surgical and medical techniques. A high-quality abortion service should offer women a choice be- tween ...[+]

